Sublime Birth times two

Find out what's happening with baby #2 :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Update: just over 9 weeks now

For the past few weeks I've been too tired to do anything, including update this thing. I'm finally starting to get some energy again. I met with the midwife a few weeks ago and made it official. I'll have my first prenatal around 12 weeks. I'm doing a modified prenatal schedule, because I think the standard one is a little ridiculous.

I have two more births to attend before I call it quits for awhile, one due any day and one in mid-March. I'm glad the first mom didn't go early, because I was so exhausted. Now I feel like I can handle it :)

Went to the thrift shop today in search of maternity clothes but didn't find anything good. I should have my real estate license by this time next week and will have to start working. Very few of my clothes fit me, which is funny since last time I wasn't in maternity clothes until I was 6 months along.


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